The Grant Rant for Today is about ‘Effective Sales’

Moving on from a previous Grant Rant about everyone being in sales, I now want to take it another step along the way and look at what the purpose of sales actually is.
Clearly, whatever you are selling is intended to fulfil a purpose,And that purpose should fulfil a need for your customer.
Unfortunately, a customer might not always recognise the need and therefore be resistant to your sales.
This is where your sales page comes in to play and this very much is the decider for most buyers but not only that, did you know that most buyers will make their minds up after reading just the Pre-heading and the main heading, before going down to the foot of the page to see the price.
They might then go back over the rest of the copy for validation but generally speaking, people already know whether they have sufficient reasons to buy.
So now, in order to create the right response, you actually need to tell the customer what the problem is that they have (the pre-heading) before going on to resolve their newly realised problem (the heading).
So, once again, pre-heading for the problem, main heading for the solution.
And whilst this does seem very basic, just go and look over at the Warrior Forum and see how many people do this.
The temptation for most is to shout out their product name which addresses neither of the above purposes.
So on your next launch, think carefully, observe what others do in successful launches and apply that thinking to your own copy to increase your sales conversions.

Here Endeth the Grant Rant for Today.

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