As with every Monday morning, I bid farewell to my 2 sons as they head off to school for the week, returning once again each Friday for their weekend with Dad.
As I walk away from the front door and back to my study at the rear of the house, I kick a discarded trainer to one side, discover their breakfast plate on the carpet and some other reminders that the house which was so recently active is now facing a relatively dormant period.
With their voices fading away down the crescent, an emptiness replaces and it is this void that I am now thinking of. So, rather than allowing the void to take control of my mind I must instead reassert my dreams and ambitions for the forthcoming week. Push aside the emptiness and refill it with energy, commitment and determination.
I am in fact lucky to have every week clear to focus almost exclusively on my career and I must realise that these times should be maximised to ensure that the weekends I spend with my boys are filled with fun and memories.
So that is my Monday morning, a battle between an emptiness and a space to be filled with opportunity and growth. Which will be the victor? Let’s see what comes on Friday.
Have a great week full of renewed conviction and lets make this week count!
Here Endeth the Grant Rant for Today.
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